AITA for always putting my b**bs on the table?


AITA for always putting my b**bs on the table?



👇 Read the original story below for all the details! 👇


AITA for always putting my b**bs on the table?

So basically my group of friends (about 8 total) get together every week for D&D. There are only two woman in our group (including myself). It’s always at friend A’s house because he’s the DM and has his fancy table and his whole set up there. A has a fiancé who recently moved in with him. She’s cool and I don’t really have anything against her she just has her own group of friends and doesn’t have the same interests as us or ‘click’ for a lack of a better word with her husband’s friends (us). She recently has been trying to get more into A’s interests so she has been there for our games. She doesn’t play with us, just kind of watches and plays on her phone, which is fine of course.

A has a table he set up specifically for the game, one with a recessed middle so we don’t have to put away our stuff at the end he just puts a leaf over the top to protect it. Because of that in order to move around your character you have to lean forward or stand to be able to reach. Now I have big bs. I’m not a particularly big woman, I’m like in my late 20s, 5′ 4” and 155ish pounds with H-cup breasts. And yes, before you ask I have already started the process of getting a reduction and I cannot wait to have this weight off of me!


The problem is that when I lean forward to move my character my breasts squish against the side of the table and after awhile it gets uncomfortable and painful. So I’ve taken to lifting up a little and settling with my breasts sitting on the edge of the table. It doesn’t push them up or call attention to them, to be honest I don’t even think it’s noticeable. With the height of the chairs I can still sit normally with them there and lean forward without it hurting my b***s. I’ve been doing this for months and no one has said anything. But last week A’s fiancé snapped out of no where and accused me of trying to “put myself on display and to put my bs away cause no one cares”. I was shocked and didn’t know what she was talking about at first, neither did anyone else until she pointed at my bs and called attention to what I was doing.


She got really really upset and caused a scene and we ended the night early. She’s still mad at me and doesn’t want me to come over to the house anymore. I’ve apologized and said I’d try not to do it anymore and even told her how I’m going to get it reduced next year. She called me a “show off and slut” and is asking A to stop being friends with me. I’m at a loss. I do this all the time, I’ve even caught myself doing it at home with my own table without even thinking about it. AITA?


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