AITA for refusing to let my family move in because my 16-year-old son doesn’t want them to?


AITA for refusing to let my family move in because my 16-year-old son doesn’t want them to?



👇 Read the original story below for all the details! 👇


AITA for refusing to let my family move in because my 16-year-old son doesn’t want them to?

About five years ago, my husband cheated on me and then abandoned our family. It was an incredibly difficult time. I was left alone to raise our son, who was just 11 at the time. None of my family members offered any help or support. We were essentially on our own. The only person who helped us was my father, who was a great support system both emotionally and financially.

When my father passed away two years ago, he left me a significant inheritance. This money allowed me to buy a house and provide a stable and comfortable life for my son and me. Since my husband left, my son and I have become very close. We’ve been through a lot together, and our bond is incredibly strong. I would do anything for him.


Recently, some of my extended family members have fallen on hard times and asked if they could move in with us. Given our history, I was initially hesitant. I discussed it with my son, and he was very much against the idea. He remembers how nobody was there for us when we needed them the most and feels strongly that they shouldn’t benefit from our home now.


Understanding his feelings and valuing his comfort, I decided to tell my family that they couldn’t move in with us. Now, they’re upset and accusing me of being selfish and ungrateful. They say that I owe them support because we’re family. I don’t think I’m a a**e and honestly don’t care what they think as long as my baby is happy but I still want to hear other peoples opinions.

So, AITA for refusing to let my family move in because my son doesn’t want them to, especially considering the way they treated us when we were the ones in need?


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