AITA for refusing to pay for a wedding portrait because my friend sexualized me in it


AITA for refusing to pay for a wedding portrait because my friend sexualized me in it



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AITA for refusing to pay for a wedding portrait because my friend sexualized me in it

My friend is a painter, I have seen her work and it is beautiful. I asked if she was willing to paint a portrait on me and my husband in our wedding outfits. I thought it would be a good one year anniversary gift. I have seen her work and she can do realist painting of people.

She asked for a reference for this and I gave her a few pictures and gave a 300 deposit. In total we agreed on a total of 700 dollars.

She showed me the painting yesterday, my husband looked great but I looked completely different. In short she sexualized me and I find it so gross. The painting has me with huge bs (I don’t really have any, I’m an A cup due to running). My wedding dress is showing much more skin. She even added a split to my dress to show off more leg. I don’t look like that in any of my photos I gave her. I find it really gross.


I told her I will not be paying her, that she needs to fix it or she can keep it. This caused a huge argument. She thinks I am a jerk for not paying and I pointing out the stuff above.

It is going around with my friends, some think I am being petty and others are standing by me.


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