AITA for refusing to push my obese cousin around in a wheelchair for a day?
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AITA for refusing to push my obese cousin around in a wheelchair for a day?
My cousin is approaching six-hundred pounds and requires a mobility scooter, as walking even short distances is very painful for her. In July, she has an out of state wedding to attend, and I was asked to taxi her to and from the event, as I’m not currently employed so my calendar is open.
Unfortunately, my car will not carry a mobility scooter, so my cousin will be required to use a wheel chair. The problem is that this event is being held in a public park. I can barely push her wheelchair on a paved surface, let alone across grass and dirt. I tried contacting a couple rental agencies in the area but they would not lease scooters in this case because of the off-road use. My aunt and uncle have also declined to loan me their truck, which is how my cousin normally gets around, because I have a pretty shitty driving history.
I did look into renting a vehicle that could carry the scooter, but my cousin cannot afford to pay for that and obviously with me being jobless, I can’t either.
The distance from parking to the event area is about forty-yards, which my cousin cannot handle walking. About the best solution anyone’s come up with is that the party has a flat bed they’re using to tote supplies from the cars, but my cousin says she would feel humiliated having to be rolled in like that.
My cousin is furious with me, saying I’m shaming her by saying I cannot push her, but I feel it’s the honest truth. Like 100% the thin wheels of the wheelchair are going to dig into the ground, and I am not strong enough to handle that. My cousin has done a lot for me in the past, so I do feel bad saying no, but I feel like I’ve looked into every option at this point. AITA for not being willing to just go and give it the college try?
Also, please don’t degrade my cousin. I know I can’t stop you, but it’s all been said before. Please and thank you.
EDIT: I honestly never expected so many responses, and I want to express my appreciation to the vast majority who respected my request not to berate my cousin. I also wanted to thank everyone who messaged me with their own thoughts. I feel like you all have given me some very solid talking points that may hopefully help me with this discussion with my cousin. Thank you all!
UPDATE: This morning I got a call from my Aunt who said my cousin was no longer going to be attending the wedding. Sadly, my cousin was hostile towards the bride’s mother, who had selected the venue, and so her invitation was retracted. I feel depressed because I know my cousin did really want to go, but I still don’t think I was wrong to tell her I couldn’t handle this.
I really do appreciate all of you who supported me in my decision, as well as those of you who may have felt otherwise but were still so kind to me. Thank you all.
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