AITA for telling my parent friend that she needs to cook and that is why her daughter isn’t eating.


AITA for telling my parent friend that she needs to cook and that is why her daughter isn’t eating.



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AITA for telling my parent friend that she needs to cook and that is why her daughter isn’t eating.

My daughter has a best friend since kindergarten, they are in 7th grade.

This year Sara has gotten quite thin and her mom has come to me saying she isn’t eating. My daughter backed this up and said that she picks at her food at school. I thought it was an eating disorder at the time and told my friend to take her to the doctors.

My friend needed to leave for a work trip this week and asked me to watch over her. No big deal, she will stay over for the week. First night I made meatloaf and she ate it. She didn’t get sick. The rest of the week anything I made she would eat no issue. She even came back for seconds most meals.


At the end of the week she asked me when my food didn’t make her sick. Apparently she only eats TV dinners at home which make her feel like c****p. The school food also sometimes makes her sick so she is cautious about it.

My guess is their is an allergen in preservative foods. She needs to get that checked out

I dropped her off and pulled my friend to the side and told her everything. I told her that she really needs to cook and take her to get her allergy checked out. She was not happy I said this and basically called me a jerk for overstepping

AITA? Should I apologize.


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