AITA for asking my girlfriend to use earphones when using social media during evening?


AITA for asking my girlfriend to use earphones when using social media during evening?



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AITA for asking my girlfriend to use earphones when using social media during evening?

I(24)female and (64)father and stepmother went to the casino last night. I only brought a little bit with me to play because we weren’t going to be there for long. My father was doing pretty good so we stayed a bit longer than usual and it got to a point where seven hours went by watching them play. I asked here and there for twenty dollars to keep the boredom at bay. I won him a hundred dollars the first time and last time I won fifty dollars.


He said I can keep thirty dollars for mysrlf and play but I give him his twenty back so I did. Well I ended up winning five hundred dollars with that thirty. I was super excited to show him how much I won but when I did he grabbed it and stuffed it in his pocket. I was livid and told him off for it and that it was my money that I won and not his. His defense was that he gave me the money to play and that basically since it was his thirty that he gave me,it was his.


I got the ticket with the five hundred back because of my stepmom but he said I had to pay him one hundred dollars which is supposedly the money I borrowed from him even though all of the money he gave me, I won an extra hundred and twenty for him and it went into his pocket so he never actually lost any money he gave me to play. He actually gained it all back already. He did give me the thirty to play with in the first place so I’m conflicted. So AITA for refusing to give him money from the jackpot that I won with the money he said I could have?


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