AITAH for not getting my stepmom a Christmas present


AITAH for not getting my stepmom a Christmas present



👇 Read the original story below for all the details! 👇


AITAH for not getting my stepmom a Christmas present

So for starters, I could only afford to get my mom and dad a gift for Christmas. My brother came with and helped find gifts since he’s too young to do it himself. When my stepmom saw the wrapped presents, she asked if we got her anything. I explained to her how I couldn’t afford it but she could use the thing my dad got (it was a mug). She started to get upset and started yelling at me a bit. I was taken aback and tried to explain again that she can use the thing my dad got. She said “well I don’t want it anymore” in a rude tone. I yelled at her that she’s not understanding and is being rude


Later that day, I heard her in her bedroom crying on the phone to my dad. I felt bad at first but then heard what she was actually saying. She was saying how I didn’t get her a present but got dad one and my step mom was also talking very bad about me like how I’m a spoiled brat. This really hurt but I also wasn’t surprised (I don’t feel very comfortable talking about why). My dad got home and he sat me down. I then got a lecture about a Christmas present. He asked me “do you even love her?”. Why does a present control if I love the person or not!? For a while after that, she would make hurtful jokes/gestures about this.

Then came Christmas. On Christmas, my dad opened his gift. My step mom looked at me smiling and said “you were right, I can use this.”. So, AITAH for not getting her something and yelling at her?


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