AITA For not having lunch with my wife


AITA For not having lunch with my wife



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AITA For not having lunch with my wife

The other day my wife bruised her heel very badly. It’s non weight bearing and she’s on crutches. She sits at work so that’s not an issue, but the parking lot is across the street so it’s a bit of a walk. The parking lot is icy and she’s a little embarrassed about the crutches. She can walk short distances slowly without them, so I offered to drive her to work this morning. My job is closed for the holiday, hers is not.

So at 5:30 this morning I brought her to work. No problem. Well, on the way there she realized she forgot something she needed. She had something that could work instead, but she would be more comfortable with the actual one. Okay fine. It’s a ten minute drive one way so I offered to run back home after dropped her off to grab it and bring it back. Which I did.


Now, she usually eats lunch in her car. There is a break room but she doesn’t care for it. I had asked her before bringing her to work if she would be alright eating in the break room, she said yes. Well apparently the room she’s working in is very cold today. She often has issues with cold hands and feet, so unsurprisingly, her hands and feet are frozen and she can’t warm them up. So she texted me and asked if I would come to work on her lunch so she could sit in the car and warm up.


Here’s where I may be TA. I gave her a lukewarm response. She asked if I would mind and I said “well I’m not going to say no.” She instantly got very angry with me and told me not to come and doesn’t even want me to pick her up after work today because she doesn’t want to be in the car with me. I know what I said wasn’t great but I didn’t want to drive back and forth to her job four times today. I’ve been taking care of her all weekend because of her injury and I was looking forward to relaxing a little on my day off and getting a few things done that I’ve been putting off.

Am I being a selfish AH or am I justified in being annoyed by her request?


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