AITA for having a large glass of coffee in front of my nephew?


AITA for having a large glass of coffee in front of my nephew?



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AITA for having a large glass of coffee in front of my nephew?

My(26m) nephew(5) likes to copy me. I’m not entirely sure why. It could be that I’m the closest older male relative he’s got; his dad is alive but left my sister(30) for someone else and only sends child support. Doesn’t turn up.


So my sister insists that I set a good example, which I don’t have any issues with. I don’t smoke and I only drink very occasionally. Talking about events like weddings and stuff. No excessive imbibing. I also generally prefer healthier food options like fish and vegetables. Only have to refrain from eating potato chips when the kid is around.


But then yesterday we were at a cafe together and I ordered a large hazelnut latte. Something I always order when I visit the place, but it was my first time going there with my sister and nephew. My sister frowned and told me I shouldn’t drink such sweet stuff(the place probably does put a lot of sugar into their drinks, given how it tastes). She was quite upset at me for drinking something like that in front of my nephew, saying she doesn’t want him to want such drinks because he sees me drinking it.


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