AITA for telling my kinda DIL she isn’t giving birth to Jesus and if she doesn’t clean than she can get out of my home


AITA for telling my kinda DIL she isn’t giving birth to Jesus and if she doesn’t clean than she can get out of my home



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AITA for telling my kinda DIL she isn’t giving birth to Jesus and if she doesn’t clean than she can get out of my home

My son and his girlfriend have been dating since college. The graduated last year and are 22 and 23. They use to have an apartment together but soon found out she was pregnant. I was not happy when they informed me. I knew they could not afford it, but they wanted to keep the baby They also are doing a shotgun wedding soon.

Soon after they asked to move into my home. It is a large home with plenty of space. They wanted to save money for the baby. I made it clear they will need to do chores and but there own food. They agreed and are so messy. I have talked to both of them before and they keep telling me they will do better.

My son has been traveling for a job and it became clear that she is the one being a mess. In short she is slob, she leaves dishes out constantly, her stuff is all over the house, her bathroom is so gross.


I have talked to he over and over again, I have talked to my son and he has talked to her. She is 8 months pregnant and her excuse is she can not clean… well she hasn’t been cleaning since she move in 6 months ago.

I came home with groceries and tripped over her shoes. I had enough. I told her that she isn’t giving birth to Jesus and if she doesn’t clean than she can get out of my house.

She started to cry and my son is pissed at me. I reminded him that I am doing them a huge favor and doubled down on cleaning


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