AITA for encouraging my daughter not to watch her cousin or clean up his mess?


AITA for encouraging my daughter not to watch her cousin or clean up his mess?



👇 Read the original story below for all the details! 👇


AITA for encouraging my daughter not to watch her cousin or clean up his mess?

Whenever my sister Lynn goes to any family event, she never watches her own kids and expects everyone else to, including my own children, who have complained about it. She will leave the room with her toddler, that acts like a wild animal.

I told my children (10 and 13) not to be duped into watching that brat. My 13-year-old daughter left the room when my sister left her alone with her kid to gossip with my mom. My daughter got up and left.


Lynn’s toddlers pulled all the food off by the tablecloth and spilled red pasta sauce all over my mom’s carpet. The kid was screaming, and Lynn started to yell at my daughter when I told Lynn it was her responsibility to watch her own f**g kids.

Lynn said she thought my daughter was watching the “baby.” I asked her, “Did you ask my daughter to?” Lynn said she thought my daughter was smart enough to watch kids if they were alone with them. My daughter said maybe Lynn should be smarter next time she thinks of having kids that she can’t control or watch.


Yes, this was rude, and I laughed. My mom told my daughter to help pick up the mess because she helped cause it. My daughter refused, saying it was Lynn’s fault because she let her kids run around like animals.

My mom said we could all leave because we had no respect for her or her house. My daughter said she wouldn’t be back until her grandmother and aunt respected her. I took my kids home.

My mom thinks I should punish or talk to my daughter and make her apologize, but I won’t. I don’t think my daughter did anything wrong, and it’s Lynn’s fault for not watching her own brats.


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