AITA for doing a half ass job taking family pictures at a wedding after being told to shut up and stop being a smartass.


AITA for doing a half ass job taking family pictures at a wedding after being told to shut up and stop being a smartass.



👇 Read the original story below for all the details! 👇


AITA for doing a half ass job taking family pictures at a wedding after being told to shut up and stop being a smartass.

I was taking pictures at a family wedding as a favor. I was being paid about half of what I normally charge and I was fine with it. The bride is my favorite cousin and her husband is amazing.

During the formals the wedding party was great and I got lots of great shots.

When it came time to take pictures of different family groups with the couple people were assholes. They wouldn’t stop talking or looking away from the camera. I tried politely reminding everyone that the camera was the big black thing on the tripod and that it took still images not video. I was repeatedly told to shut up and stop being a smartass and that they knew what a camera was.


I asked my wife to record video of the responses for me.

My cousin was delighted with the pictures from the ceremony, the formals, and the reception. She laughed her ass off at the family pictures. In about half of them people are looking off in all directions instead of at the camera. In most of those there are also people with their mouths open.

She thought they were hilarious and her husband agreed.

I started getting s****t on social media from my family about the terrible pictures. I replied that I had tried to explain to them that the camera was the big black thing on the tripod and that it only took still pictures. They said I should have waited for them to be ready. So I started posting the short video clips of people being jackasses towards me.


My mom said that I went to far and that they won’t ask me to take pictures for them again. A did a fake cry and said boo hoo. She called me a smart Alec.

Please let me state that I DO NOT THINK I AM THE A**E IN THIS SITUATION. But many people do. They are upset because they don’t often dress up and get together and they didn’t get good pictures.


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