AITA for going to sleep after plans have been pushed back repeatedly

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AITA for going to sleep after plans have been pushed back repeatedly
I (26F) have a “friend” (23M) in a different time zone that I met through gaming. He tends to forget that there is a 3 hour gap, and often I am too tired to play and he stays up all night playing.
Tonight, he made plans to play with his friend at 10. Around 11, he asked to play and I said yes. At 11:58 he asked if I was ready, I said yes then a minute later he “had something come up with his brother.” He didn’t end up replying till closer to 1 my time. So almost over an hour.
AITA for not staying up? I tried to play some games to keep myself awake and stimulated but I couldn’t. I ended up turning my pc off and deleting discord off my phone because I don’t want to be guilt tripped.
I feel like this is the second time l’ve felt bad over something like this with them. It doesn’t feel fair. I feel like my time is wasted. Do I tell him that I fell asleep in the AM? I feel bad but I feel like my time isn’t respected. Idk.
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